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Back to School Information

Schedule Pick up:
August 8, 2024 from 7:30-11:00am & 3:00-7:00pm
Delaware Health Department will hold a vaccination clinic during schedule pickup. As a reminder all 12th grade students are required to have an additional Meningococcal immunization.
First Day of School: August 14
View the School Calendar

Back to School Forms:

Delaware City Schools has implemented an online forms portal for parents to complete the majority of back to school forms.  The forms portal will open August 1st.  Parents will sign into their PowerSchool Parent Account (the same account used to monitor grades) and click on forms.  Please contact the school office if you have trouble accessing your parent account or need to set up your account.

Additional Forms - Please complete ONLY if applicable for your student:
Bus Transportation Form
Permission to administer medications

Important Informational Documents:
Student Forms - paper copies also available near the main office at Hayes: