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How to Read Off Fines

How to Read Off Your Fines
1. Go to our library catalog Destiny Discover.
2. Log in with your Canvas Username & Password at the top right.
3. Type in the name of the book you've read.
4. When the book title pops up, select the tab "Reviews" at the bottom.  
5. Click the drop down arrow, select how many stars you would give the book, & write a 4-5 sentence review of the book.  Make sure to use proper grammar & punctuation & explain exactly why you enjoyed the book, who else might like the book-especially relate it to other books, authors & movies/TV shows.  The review of The Screaming Staircase is a good example to follow.
6. For every review that is approved, $5 is taken off your fines.
NOTE: If reading off a technology fine, at least half of the fine must actually be paid.
Example Review:
Lockwood & Co Book 1 I love this book as it incorporates several mysteries and involves plucky and sarcastic characters. I am not a fan of truly graphic horror stories, but there is enough disturbing phenomena and creepy/scary scenes to satisfy those who tend toward the macabre. Fans of Supernatural or Ghostbusters who like the ghost hunting aspects will enjoy Lockwood & Co. Those who like mysteries such as the show Sherlock & many of the Sherlock mysteries, or Steampunk novels like The Clockwork Scarab by Colleen Gleason, will also enjoy the book. This is the first in an extremely satisfying series; I really appreciate that there are smaller mysteries to solve to capture each ghost, and then the larger mystery of why there are more and more ghosts in London these days.