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Test Out

Testing Out

1. Students must complete an Application to Test Out of a Course to test out of a course. 

2. Students must receive a grade of 70% or above to pass a course through testing out procedures.

a. Students have the option of accepting the grade for credit. These grades are reflected on high school transcripts and impact class rank. Students also have a Pass/Fail option, meaning they can take the test for a grade of “P” only. This will not affect their grade point average or class rank. Students will not receive an “F” on the transcript if they score below 70% nor will they receive course credit.

b. Weights, grading, and Carnegie Unit scales will be the same as if the student attended the course. Course credits and weights are listed annually in the Course Description Handbook. Students can also receive credits for AP course tests in this manner.

c. The grading scale of AP tests shall be as follows: A score of 5 on the AP test will receive a weighted “A.” A score of 4 on the AP test will receive a weighted “B.” A score of 3 will receive a  “C.” Students may take this as a Pass/Fail option, as well. **Please note that some colleges and the NCAA Eligibility Center do not accept "P" grades for admission or eligibility.

3. Test Out Fee - Students taking AP Tests will be responsible for paying the AP testing fee as announced by College Board each year.  Any other tests that have a fee typically associated with them will also be the responsibility of the student.  (There are no costs for OST tests or Delaware City Schools developed examinations.)

4. Partial credits are allowed by law if a student starts a school year in a year-long course and requests by October 15th to test out of the second semester. The student would remain in the course and receive partial credit for the first semester and, upon completion and passing of materials by December 15th, would receive credit for the second semester and not be required to continue in the course.


5. Students who score a 3 or higher on an end-of-course exams for Geometry, Biology, US Studies, and American Government or a score of 684 or higher on Algebra 1 or English 10 end-of-course exams but fail the course, may petition to earn the credit in the course through Delaware City Schools’ Test Out Credit Flex Option.  There is no charge for students meeting this Test Out Option.

a.  A student may petition to earn the credit for the course and receive a “P” grade.  A “P” grade indicates that the student Passed the course and does not impact the students GPA.  The original grade the student earned in the course will remain on the student’s transcript and continue to be calculated in the student’s GPA.  This option will eliminate the need for the student to make up the course through credit recovery options.  Please note that some colleges and the NCAA Eligibility Center do not accept "P" grades for admission or eligibility.

    b. A student may petition to earn the credit for the course and receive a letter grade (i.e. A, B, C).  A letter grade would be calculated into the student’s GPA.  The original grade the student earned in the course will remain on the student’s transcript and continue to be calculated in the student’s GPA as well.  This will eliminate the need for the student to make up the course through credit recovery options.  If this option is selected, the Delaware City Schools Credit Flex Committee will need to convene with the student and his/her parents/guardians.  Additional stipulations may need to be met before this option will be granted.

6. Students who do not complete the testing out requirements may in writing appeal to the Superintendent for a 30-day extension. Students who transfer to another district or are applying for early graduation shall meet with the Director of Secondary Curriculum to develop a plan for the completion of testing out credit.

Click here for the Test Out Application