Independent Study
Independent Study |
Ohio's plan for credit flexibility is designed to broaden the scope of curricular options available to students, increase the depth of study possible for a particular subject, and allow tailoring of learning time and/or conditions. These are ways in which aspects of learning can be more customized to students' interests and needs.
One option for students to obtain “flexible credit” is by pursuing one or more “educational options” (e.g., distance learning, educational travel, independent study, an internship, music, arts, after-school/tutorial program, community service or other engagement projects and sports). Independent Study is designed for students to take advantage of this type of credit. Further, Independent Study is designed for coursework that is not offered on a “test out” basis, and for more non-traditional studies. Requirements • Students must apply for independent study 3 days prior to the start of the school year for 1st semester independent studies or the last day of 1st semester for 2nd semester independent studies. Students must complete the Independent Study application to officially request this option.
• Student applications will be reviewed by the Delaware City Schools Credit Flex Committee. • Students are responsible for any external fees associated with the independent study proposed, such as sport team fees, travel fees, art fees, etc. • Students are required to have a teacher mentor/sponsor from Delaware City Schools to monitor and evaluate the project on a regular basis. Students may also have a mentor in the community to work in cooperation with a Delaware City School staff member. • Students must complete the project research paper, portfolio, presentation, etc. prior to the last day of the school year. • Students must receive a grade of 70% or higher to receive credit for an Independent Study. • Students may elect to take this course as a letter grade option or pass option. The pass option does not affect a student’s grade point average or class rank. Students must pass the course to earn a grade of “P.” *Please note that some colleges and the NCAA Eligibility Center do not accept "P" grades for admission or eligibility. • Students must include a plan to demonstrate mastery of course content standards through a project research paper, portfolio, presentation, etc. Click here for the Independent Study Application Click here for the Independent Study Course Proposal |