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Transferring College Credits

Transferring College Credits

Have you taken Advanced Placement (AP) or College Credit Plus (CCP) Courses?  Are you looking to see where those AP exam scores or CCP courses transfer?  Check out these resources: - This website will tell you if your college courses transfer to another institution. - This Ohio website will tell you how your college, high school, military, and career-technical courses transfer. - This website gives you information on how AP credits transfer to the colleges you're interested in.


If you have received college credit through CCP or AP examination, you will need to request your official college transcript from the post-secondary institution awarding the CCP credit or your AP scores from CollegeBoard.orgThis website contains links to requesting your college transcript from our most popular CCP institutions.  The transcript and/or scores will need to be sent to the college you plan to attend.  It is the responsibility of the student to make these requests.